Saturday, April 17, 2010

Going Digital?????

I have come far in the digital writing classroom, and thank Bill for all of his hard work and for opening up my eyes to people like Sara Kadjer and Troy Hicks.I know I have a long way to go. For example, when doing my voice thread, I thought we had to create a voice thread of our own, and embed it onto our blog. Well if you look at the voice thread you will see a picture of Odysseus, that is me as I created an actual voice thread for my students to follow and so when I got on the voice thread discussions at class, the picture of Odysseus pops up as me. In short, I know enough to be dangerous.
I would like to create more lessons for my classes utilizing digital writing, but feel I need more guidance. Perhaps. I am not ready to let go (so to speak) of Bill quite yet. I am still not quite sure what all the district will allow, but I have discovered many things such as photo story, wordle, edutales, wall wisher, and many others that I can use in class. I would like to learn some of the other things we have discussed so far in more depth so I can pass it along to my students. Hoping we can still keep in touch after the class ends, and thanking everyone in class for their support. The examples and comments from other students has helped me tremendously. Bill, thank you and hope you can still send things from time to time.


  1. In reference to what the district will allow, when you come across blocked tools, if there is not one, ask what the process is to have blocked sites unblocked. The follow up by turning in to any powers that be lesson plans that specifically tie into content standards, include how you will not only teach standards, but also teach moral and ethical use, and in the request, ask for a time frame of the site to be umblocked (giving the option of opening it for a specified window if not full time. If your immediate supervisor is not among the powers that be, include him or her anyway. It will win you brownie points in being innovative and a think outside the box educator. It will also clue your admin in on various tools, and they may also go to bat for you in the quest to have teaching resources unblocked.

  2. I know you are very proud of yourself and your efforts. They sound exciting. I am hoping to keep following each other's blogs for the company and shared vision.

  3. Hi Colleen, I hope you continue to follow me in my blog. Cathy Nelson is a great resource and she is a click away also. You will find that many of the bloggers you are following are people like you and are easy to approach. We are doing it for one purpose- Educating our kids in the 21st century!

