Saturday, January 9, 2010

All About Me

I have been teaching in Horry County School District for the past four years, as an 8th grade ELA teacher. I enjoy my students very much and have made many friends in school. I have my MED in Reading, and would love to have my doctorate--I also want to teach at the college level.

I am taking this digital writing course and am really having a blast--I hope I will remember to use all of this in the classroom.


  1. I hope I remember this information, too, when I get home! If you don't use it, you lose it! At least we teach in the same school so we can use each other for support!

  2. I got back on today, Monday, and was so happy to see the tutorials from Bill!

  3. The way to go is slow, actually, and be sure to try out new ideas on your own -- set aside some technology play time -- and then think of possibilities in the classroom. And then, go slow ... take it in steps.

    Kevin Hodgson
    Sixth grade teacher
    Western Massachusetts

  4. I'm going slow....and making a lot of mistakes along the way!! Oh Well! At least I'm trying!

  5. Glad to have some new SC educators to add to my reader. I can answer questions too as you have them regarding blogger and blogging.
