Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Tech Savy Classroom

After reading Sara B. Kajder's The Tech Savy Classroom, I was a bit intimidated and intriqued. I enjoy the idea of hypertext to support the voice of the writer and to further understand the response of the reader. When she states, the "right tools for the rigght student" I find myself questioning which students she is discussing. I think about the higber end students, and then the more struggling readers and how the use of technology differs between the classes, and am concerned as to how I would even approach this method. Regardelss, I would really liske to learn more about this and use it in the classroom


  1. We all have to find a starting place! We can do it all and we have to make sure we are comfortable with the technology and allowing students have more control over learning. Teacher facilitators who use more collaborative learning will find the transition easier.

  2. Wanting to use technology and feeling comfortable with it are two totally different things! I love the ideas that the books are providing, but I am a bit relunctant to try it in my classroom. Is it my fear of failure? Maybe. It might be my fear that my students won't learn what they need. Either way, we all need to take a risk and just try it!

  3. I'm having the same issues. I started this week by posting forums on my eclassroom and providing time for students to respond. I ran in to a few problems (see my blog) but I did get some interesting responses. We must just take it one small step at a time!
